COSMOS presentation at WASOS: Workshop on Adaptive CPSoS

Sebastiano Panichella, the Technical Director for COSMOS from Zurich University of Applied Sciences presented the COSMOS project at WASOS: Workshop on Adaptive CPSoS (Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems) held as part of the HiPEAC conference on 16-18 January in Toulouse. The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems with areas of focus including safety-critical dependencies, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and machine learning.
the WASOS conference considered that to provide a high degree of reliability, availability, and safety, mission- and safety-critical CPSoS need to be able to cope with various disruptive events, from accidental hardware failures to malicious attacks. The workshop aimed at discussing challenges and solutions related to these outstanding CPSoS challenges, namely solutions that explore the possibility of dynamically reconfiguring or adapting the system, focusing on aspects spanning from design to verification and validation. The presentation of the COSMOS project contributions to these topics is available here.