Keynote at DevOps4CPS-Testing Workshop at ICST 2021
The COSMOS project hosted the DevOps4CPS-Testing Workshop on 16 April 2021, in conjunction with ICST 2021, to discuss current state-of-the-art in addressing these challenges and a path forward to move CPS testing to the next level within new innovations in DevOps tools and technologies. Andreas Ulrich, from COSMOS project partner Siemens gave a keynote presentation titled Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps process"".
The workshop was chaired by Sebastiano Panichella, from Zurich University of Applied Sciences, who is the Technical Director of the COSMOS project. The COSMOS project was pleased to collaborate in co-organizing the workshop with another Horizon 2020 research project called Adeptness, which is investigating automatic workflows for more seamless integration of methods and tools during CPS design and operation.